headline docs



Headline Component

Headlines are specific combinations of typographic styles for display text. Part of the Bolt “Components” CSS framework that powers the Bolt Design System.

Install via NPM
npm install @bolt/components-headline
  {% include "@bolt-components-headline/headline.twig" with {
  text: "This is a headline",
} only %}

{% include "@bolt-components-headline/eyebrow.twig" with {
  text: "This is an eyebrow",
} only %}

{% include "@bolt-components-headline/subheadline.twig" with {
  text: "This is a subheadline",
} only %}

{% include "@bolt-components-headline/text.twig" with {
  text: "This is text",
} only %}

{% include "@bolt-components-headline/lead.twig" with {
  text: "This is a lead",
} only %}

Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.

Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)
text *

Renderable text content of the headline.

string , object , array

Html tag.

string p
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, span, cite, div

Text alignment.

  • left, center, right

Font weights.

string regular
  • light, bold, regular, semibold

Font styles.

string normal
  • normal or italic

Font size.

string medium
  • xxsmall, xsmall, small, medium, large, xlarge, xxlarge, xxxlarge

Automatically shrink the font size used in the xxxlarge headline size when 60 or more characters are used.

boolean true

Text transformation.

  • uppercase, lowercase, capitalize

If provided, turns headline into a link to given url.


Bolt icon. Accepts either 1) an icon name as a string 2) an icon object as expected by @bolt-components-icon or 3) the string "none" to explicitly remove default icons

object , string , string

Adds quoted styling to text.


Text that displays in a small circle to the left of the main Headline text. Providing content will trigger the bullet to appear.

string , number

The optional background color of the Headline bullet. Uses inherited theme colors if unspecified.

  • teal, indigo, orange, purple


This is an eyebrow

This is a headline

This is a subheadline

This is text

This is a lead

This headline is <h1> and xxxlarge size

This headline is <h2> and xxlarge size

This headline is <h3> and xlarge size

This headline is <h4> and large size

This headline is <h5> and small size
This headline is <h6> and xsmall size

This text is <p> and medium size.

Medium is the body font-size, it should never be used for headlines.

This headline is aligned left

This headline is aligned center

This headline is aligned right

This is light weight and normal text

This is light weight and italic text

This is bold weight and normal text

This is bold weight and italic text

This is regular weight and normal text

This is regular weight and italic text

This is semibold weight and normal text

This is semibold weight and italic text

Headline and subheadline have predefined weights, do not modify them without consulting a designer.

Headline w/ Icon Position before

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

What we do at Pega is brilliant!
What we do at Pega is brilliant!

Headline w/ Icon Position after

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

Headline w/ Default Icon Position

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

Headline w/ Icon Options

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

Left and right options are deprecated, please stop using these.

(Deprecated) Headline w/ Left Icon Position

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

(Deprecated) Headline w/ Right Icon Position

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

What we do at Pega is brilliant!

headline numbered

Numbered Headline

Basic Usage

7 Example numbered headline (w/o numberColor)

  {% include "@bolt-components-headline/headline.twig" with {
  text: "Example numbered headline (w/o numberColor)",
  numberText: 7,
} only %}

42 Example numbered headline (w/ numberColor)

  {% include "@bolt-components-headline/headline.twig" with {
  text: "Example numbered headline (w/ numberColor)",
  numberText: 42,
  numberColor: "orange"
} only %}

Up to 3 digits supported

7 Single-digit

42 Double-digit

123 Triple-digit

Icons Supported

1Numbered Headline With Left Icon

2Numbered Headline With Right Icons

Align Support

1 Numbered Headline - Left

2 Numbered Headline - Center

3 Numbered Headline - Right

4 Numbered Eyebrow

1 Numbered Headline (xxxlarge)

2 Numbered Subheadline (xxlarge)

3 Numbered Text

1 Numbered Headline (xxsmall)

2 Numbered Headline (xsmall)

3 Numbered Headline (small)

5 Numbered Headline (large)

6 Numbered Headline (xlarge)

7 Numbered Headline (xxlarge)

8 Numbered Headline (xxxlarge)


By setting the numberColor prop to indigo, purple, teal, or orange, you can choose the background color of the Headline Number.

1 Numbered Headline w/ Number

2 Numbered Headline w/ Number

3 Numbered Headline w/ Number

4 Numbered Headline w/ Number

A Numbered Headline w/ Letter

B Numbered Headline w/ Letter

C Numbered Headline w/ Letter

D Numbered Headline w/ Letter


If you don't specify a numberColor, the current theme's colors will be used instead.

1 Without numberColor

2 Without numberColor

3 Without numberColor

4 Without numberColor

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